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GFZ Use Case: Scientific Drilling Project Adlershof: Fit up with Standardised Metadata

The explorational drilling Gt BTrKoe 1/2021 borehole in Berlin Adlershof, Germany was drilled in the framework of a research project called GeoFern, funded by the German Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action under the grant number 03EE4007. The overall objective of this research project was to support the development of the geothermal heat utilization for urban areas. Therefore, the integration of reservoir utilization concepts into heat supply systems need to be studied. The GeoFern project aimed to contribute to the knowledge on geological structure and the lithological composition of the subsurface to minimize the explorational risks for future site developments in SE Berlin, Germany. It focused on the exploration of possible Mesozoic aquifers, suitable for aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES) in depths of up to 500 m. As stopping criteria for drilling, the presence of terrestrial (arid) clayey Keuper sediments of the Exter Formation (Upper German Triassic) were defined. 

The results of the investigations and measurements conducted on site in the field laboratory as well as the open-hole geophysical well-logging data of the Gt BTrKoe 1/2021 borehole acquired by a commercial contractor. In addition, a temperature log of the borehole, measured by the GFZ about two months after the end of drilling activities were published as data publication with an extensive data report by Norden et al. (2024)

The metadata for the borehole, cores and samples were captured in the mobile Drilling Information System mDIS and semi-automatically exported and integrated in the FAIR SAMPLES Template. After data curation by the FAIR WISH team, the IGSN XML metadata were generated and the IGSNs were registered using the SAMIRA Software (top IGSN for the borehole: