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AWI Use Case: Assign IGSNs to Samples from Russian-German Expeditions

To understand the complex high latitude ecosystems and impacts of climate change, AWI conducts Russian-German land expeditions in Siberia since more than two decades. Text and data publications from AWI and international partners are based on thousands of samples from these expeditions. Most of the samples were subsampled through several steps and analysed in various national and international laboratories.

Using IGSNs will enable the connection of samples with data and scholarly publications beyond working groups and institutes and is a key contribution to the provenance of research results.

During the FAIR WISH Project, more than 2056 AWI samples from the Yakutia21 Expedition conducted by the Polar Terrestrial Environmental Systems section were registered with IGSNs. These comprise water and soil samples, terrestrial sections and sampling sites and served as test samples for the FAIR SAMPLES Template.